
I have an obsession with pillows.  Not a small obsession, a big obsession.  I buy decorative pillows at TJMaxx AND TJMaxx.com and sneak them into the guest bedrooms so that Derek doesn’t discover them for weeks.  I’m not trying to point my finger at anyone, ahem, my mother, but this was definitely a nurtured quality from my childhood.  Growing up I had 10+ pillows on my bed – I was taught that in order to make my bed properly, each pillow had to be placed at a certain angle and location on my bed.  Totally normal.  See, this was, and still is my childhood bed, exactly as I was instructed to make it:


So, it’s no wonder that when I met Derek, we had to have this moment:


I keep this New Yorker cartoon on my fridge to remind me that I’m a little coo coo when it comes to pillows.  And I know, it is a little nuts.  But one or two just doesn’t cut it for me.  Take for instance, this guest bedroom – I count 7 pillows.  None too few.


All joking aside, the wonderful thing about pillows is that they are probably the easiest and cheapest item that you can use to elevate a room from blah, to wow, so pretty!  I have friends who ask me to help them decorate, and honestly, more often than not, it’s simply a matter of decorative pillows.  You can enhance any bed, couch, chair, or nook with a pillow that has tassels, or fringe, or stripes, or embroidery.  Go nuts!


I keep a closet full of pillows that I rotate.  When I get tired of a color scheme, I swap out a whole new set of pillows.  My mother on the other hand keeps a closet where she stores pillows that she thinks she might use one day.  So obviously, I go shopping in her closet.  She doesn’t notice they’re missing until she visits and sees them displayed in my house.  Surprise!


So the next time you’re trying to spruce up a room, think about purchasing some new decorative pillows – just don’t forget to hide them from your husband.


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